wordless wednesday ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe (beagle) and zuzu (schnauzer / heeler mix)

Wordless Wednesday ♥ 


is it going to rain? ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton (beagle) ♥ zuzu (schnauzer / heeler)

Dear Dog Blog,

The skies are looking grey today and just in case we is ready for the rain!

Is this brellie big enough for both of us?

Boohoo I don't like the rain!

ZuZu & Hampton

nearing the end of summer ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton (beagle) ♥ zuzu (schnauzer / heeler)

Dear Dog Blog,

It's nearing the end of summer. We hopes the sun and flowers will stay with us a bit longer. Just in case, Mummy took some photos to remember us in the summer of 2012.

Us in the flower bed. Mummy says too bad she doesn't
know how to grow more of us! Teehee!

ZuZu getting all excited,
Hampton just being a bored beagle.



Hampton checking on his 'salad bar'

ZuZu and t.b. taking in the sun!

This is our home sweet home

Hammie and ZuZu
Comments (1)

it's hot, i'm hawt ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton (beagle)

Dear Dog Blog,

It's been a hot week in Vancouver and it's getting in the way of me and my mischievous ways! It's just too hot to get into any trouble.

Me and my new favorite spot.
Mummy! Where are my pupsicles?!!
This is my hot (and hawt) beagle bum!


soccer! ♥ dog blog ♥ zuzu (schnauzer / heeler)

Dear Dog Blog,

I was getting all excited watching the Canada vs USA women's olympic soccer (aka football) game! Unfortunately they lost to our American friends 3-4 but they still have a chance at a Bronze Medal! Go Canada Go! Here is me with my soccer ball (and chasing Hampton away from trying to steal it, BOL).


on our love thrones ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton (beagle)

Dear Dog Blog,

Move over M&D, ZuZu and I have taken over the garden. We decided we is the King and Queen of our yard! Check us out on our love thrones!

Umm, yes Daddy you can take pictures of us but you can't have your seat back!

a royal kiss on the love thrones

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