my life with beagles

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I'm the middle pup, stuck between 2 beagles. Starbuck came a few months before me and Hampton joined our family last year.   Some days I think I deserve a medal of honor for putting up with these two!

Here are a few examples of what I put up with:

They like modeling human underwear for me:

They like to use my head as a pillow:

and they like spooning with me:

(Starbuck would just casually lay on me like this all the time...he was just a little heavy)

What is a non-beagle girl like me to do! At least I can't say I'm not loved! BOL!

xo ZuZu

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in my dreams...

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in my dreams...ZuZu and I lay in the sunshine all day long

in my dreams...we play hide and go seek (i count and ZuZu hides - but not very well)

in my dreams...we hunt for bunnies (but only because we want to snuggle with them)

in my dreams...I am like the fox that waited on the little prince (from one of mummy's favourite books)

in my dreams...ZuZu always finds a ball she has lost

in my dreams...Starbuck is here playing with us too

xo Hampton
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posing for mummy

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Mummy likes to take lots and lots of photos of us. Mostly I just stare and occasionally squint my eyes when there is too much flash. Starbuck was a much better poser than I am. ZuZu just tolerates Mummy and usually only gives her about 3 basic poses: 1) on the couch 2) jumping for the ball 3) waiting for Mummy to throw the ball. Anyway, Daddy got Mummy a new camera and she was so excited I decided to pose a bit for her. Tell me what you think.

Here is me and my morning streeeetttttccccchhhhh

Here is me just head and feet

And here is me up close and personal. Do you think I look like a basset hound?

Hope you enjoyed my pics!

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Spring time means ball time, right?

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Spring is finally here! Gran and Gram came to visit us yesterday to do some gardening. They come by every so often to help Mummy and Daddy whose thumbs are more black than green.

This is a picture of Gram's favorite tree just outside our yard. Sometimes we wonder if she came to see us or the tree, she lubs it that much.

While Gran and Gram were gardening, I tried to get in some ball action:

But everyone was so busy I only got a few throws. Yup thats me with my tongue out, I was upset:

Just kidding! I was ok about it. It was just too nice out not to be happy!

I know its just the start of sunny weather so there will be plenty more opportunities to play ball!


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secret to eating beds: "i'm a bear" tactic

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I lub lub lub eating my beds. But its very important to do it when Mummy and Daddy aren't looking and especially important not to get caught.

Here is me restraining myself as Mummy and Daddy watch me:

I wait for my moment when they stop looking...

then I ATTACK!!

As soon as I hear Mummy or Daddy's voice yell "Hampton"...

 I disguise myself and pretend I'm a bear!

This way I get lots of "awws" and Mummy and Daddy forget they were gonna get mad at me!!  (I consider this a modified head tilt technique, see "head tilt"comic)

Hampton the bear
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Happy Easter Everybody.
Daddy told us that if we wanted "nom noms", we would have to wear these bunny ears.  If the "nom noms" weren't so yummy, we would call for a union.

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